All local (Lynchburg, VA) photographers looking to just meetup and have coffee and lunch to discuss about photography and life in general. Here's your chance. I am starting a photography club.
As I was tossing and turning one night in the midst of "sleeping", I thought "hey, why not start a club where we can have meet and greets of the new/longer working photographers who are local, to discuss and/or share ideas and tips (critique), etc. with other photographers?". So here I am, to ask anyone who is willing to join me and my partner. I love feedback and I love to talk photography. Rather your having a rough week to just wanting to talk about your work.
It's a great way to get to know one another beyond "there's another person with a camera" deal. I don't like to be judged and neither do I judge. This will be a place where we can finally discuss the one thing we all found [love] in.
For more information please see the contact page via email.